最近祖母の法事があったのですが…今回ゎ全く掃除を手伝わなかったうっちぃです(∋_∈) 家の人も気を使ってくれて、寝かせてくれましたッ笑””
2011/01/04/ at 6:12 AM
Wow, this is very fun to read. Have you ever considered submitting articles to magazines?
2011/01/17/ at 1:51 PM
Just wanted to say this blog is almost amazing. I always like to learn something new about this because I have the similar blog in my Country on this subject so this help´s me a lot. I did a search on the topic and found a good number of blogs but nothing like this.Thanks for writing so much in your blog.. Greets, Danijel
2011/01/21/ at 1:04 AM
May i make a bit of advice? I’m sure you’ve got something good above. However let’s say you also provided a couple of references towards a website which supports what youre you said? Or simply you might offer us more information to check out, something would certainly connect what exactly youre saying, something tangible?
2011/01/22/ at 6:00 AM
These contingencies are indicative of a situation that favors buyers.